"From Gamer to Streamer: The Journey of werst_fr and the Power of Community"

 Finding My Gamer Tag

I went through a few different gamer tags before I finally landed on Werst. I wanted something original, a name that I hadn’t heard around before. After a lot of back-and-forth, Werst felt right. It's a name that carries a bit of me with it, something that felt distinct and personal.

The First Game I Played

The very first game I ever played was actually an obscure Disney game that ran on a joystick console, which I connected to an old CRT TV with mic and video cables. It was a funny setup compared to today’s gaming standards, but at that time, it was all I needed to fall in love with gaming. Even back then, I was captivated by the ability to explore a world different from my own, and it sparked the passion that would stay with me.

My Favorite Game: Fortnite

Right now, my favorite game is Fortnite. I've been playing it since late September 2017, and as much as it’s a love-hate relationship, the game holds a special place in my life. There’s something about the constant grind and the unique challenges that have kept me coming back for more. I’ve poured so many hours into it, all with the goal of becoming as good as I can possibly be.

My Top Three Games of All Time

If I had to pick my top three games, Titanfall 2 would take the second spot. Its story pulled me in right away, and I just fell in love with the world, the characters, and the gameplay. Minecraft would probably be my third. I started playing it on the PS3, and it introduced me to YouTube and the wider gaming community online, which was a huge influence on me.

A Lifelong Passion for Games

Gaming has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, with a mix of AAA and indie titles under my belt. I estimate that I’ve played over 15 AAA games and about 50-80 indie or internet games. I've always loved playing a large variety, whether it was Lego Harry Potter, Call of Duty, or Pure. Growing up, I shared a console with my brothers, so we often had to compromise by choosing games we could either take turns or play together. Still, I found ways to make the games my own by playing solo whenever I got the chance.

My Journey to Improvement

Ever since I started gaming, I’ve been driven to improve. I’d come home from school and grind whatever game I was playing, trying to solve every puzzle or outmatch every opponent. Now, with Fortnite, that drive has only grown stronger. I know I’m good, but there’s always more to learn and improve on. One day, I hope to be among the top players, constantly pushing myself to get better and better.

Why I Stream

Streaming has become a natural part of my journey. It’s not just about gameplay; it’s about the community. Even though my audience isn’t huge, the ones who are there make streaming feel worthwhile. Hanging out with them, sharing experiences, and building connections has added a whole new layer to gaming for me. It’s something I love and, in a way, something I feel like I need to do, even if I can’t fully explain why.

My Five-Year Vision

In five years, I hope to have achieved Twitch Partner status, with an average of at least 500 viewers. I want to cover a range of topics beyond gaming, exploring my other interests and creating diverse content that resonates with a broad audience. Eventually, I want to use my platform for good, organizing charity events and making a positive impact on the community. Gaming might be my main passion, but it’s far from my only one, and I look forward to what lies ahead.